Be a part of MoonCat history with $GMC24

3 min readApr 24, 2021


$GMC24 bundled Genesis Mooncats

Dear MoonCatRescue Community,

When MoonCatRescue was rediscovered in early March, within hours twitter was going crazy as people rushed to rescue as many MoonCats as they could. The total gas fees from MoonCatRescue reached $600,000 that day and MoonCat Mania was in full swing. In the end, 25,344 normal MoonCats and 96 Genesis MoonCats were able to be rescued.

Very few people were lucky enough to adopt a Genesis MoonCat as many stayed on the moon. From those people, a few came together and decided they wanted to share the joy of owning Genesis MoonCats with a wider audience. That’s when the idea of $GMC24 was born!

$GMC24 is a bundle of 24 Genesis MoonCats that will be fractionalized on the Niftex platform so that anyone can easily be a part of MoonCat history. A percentage will be airdropped to the MoonCat community for the support they have given, along with another percentage going to the ponderware devs as a thank you for building and continuously evolving the project.

Fractionalization Specifics

$GMC24 is a bundle of 24 Genesis MoonCats which includes 12 black and 12 white cats overall. This bundle represents 25% of all Genesis MoonCats in existence. The bundle will be fractionalized through the Niftex platform:

Launch Date: 04/25 2 PM UTC

Initial valuation: 960 ETH (40 ETH per Genesis MoonCat)

⦁ 10,000,000 $GMC24

⦁ 10% sold to market during initial sale (1,000,000)

⦁ 2% Go to ponderware as a thank you for the project (200,000)

⦁ 4% will be airdropped to the community (400,000)

⦁ 4% will go to MoonCatRescue Development/Marketing (400,000)

⦁ Trading fees will be redirected to Dev Wallet to support further development

9% of the total $GMC24 supply and 20% of the proceeds from the sale will be locked automatically for 1 month in the Niftex AMM bonding curve.

The Genesis MoonCat Vault from which the project will be launched is the following address:


Community Airdrop

The $GMC24 airdrop will take place shortly after the launch on Niftex. The ponderware devs took a snapshot for us and the airdrop will be available for every MoonCat holder that has at least one MoonCat in their wallet. There will be 400 spots available, it will be raffle-based off a snapshot of MoonCat holders. Please note that the snapshot for the airdrop requirement has already been taken. If you do not own a MoonCat currently, you will not be able to claim.

Airdrop Data:

● Requirement: Own at least any 1 MoonCat at the time of the snapshot (Acclimated, unwrapped, or wrapped in the unofficial wrapper)

⦁ Airdrop Date: TBD

⦁ Spots Available: 400 accounts

⦁ Tokens per account: 1,000 $GMC24

In the end, we want to say a special thank you to the ponderware for supporting our idea all along the way. We are all extremely excited for what the future holds in store for MoonCatRescue.


RedCave Ventures



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